Press release (November 9, 2022)
The annual harvest festival “Minori no Matsuri” will be held in Minatogawa Park adjacent to the Kobe Fresh Market, known as “Kobe’s Kitchen” and the Hyogo Ward Office, which was renovated in 2028, as an opportunity to buy local vegetables and other goods as well as to promote exchanges between urban and rural areas, aiming at the development of agriculture and fishery in Kobe City as follows.
Outline of the event
(1) Date: Saturday, December 10, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
(2) Venue: Minatogawa Park (1-20-1 Arata-cho, Hyogo-ku, Kobe City)
(3) Organizer: Minori no Matsuri Management Council (Secretariat: Agriculture and Fisheries Division, Kobe City Economic and Tourism Bureau)
(4) Details: Sales of local agricultural and marine products, etc.
(No stage events or food and beverage sales will be held.)
2. Measures to prevent infection by the new coronavirus
Please refrain from coming to the event if you have symptoms such as fever or cough.
Please take measures to prevent the spread of infection, such as ensuring social distance.
Please wear a mask when conversing or in close proximity to others.
Please note that the contents may be subject to change depending on the situation of the spread of infection.
3. Other
Please refer to the
Kobe City FAQ for the latest information on the Minori no Matsuri Festival.
Please refer to the Kobe City FAQ for the latest information about the Minori no Matsuri Festival (external link).
4. For inquiries, please contact
Kobe City General Call Center
TEL: 0570-083330 or 078-333-3330
*Open 8:00 – 21:00 throughout the year