In Kobe City, the Mayor presents awards to those who have made outstanding achievements in city affairs (Outstanding Employee Awards) and good deeds that should serve as a model for other employees (Good Conduct Employee Awards) in accordance with the City of Kobe Employee Award Regulations.
Awards for
Employee Awards
The Outstanding Employee Awards ceremony was held on July 26, 2023, and the Mayor presented the following five organizations with certificates of commendation and catalogs.
(Eligible projects were mainly administrative projects that made significant achievements in FY2022)
Digital Strategy Department of the Planning and Coordination Bureau, Health Department Health Centers of the Health Bureau, and Health Centers of each ward
New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Patient Management Project
By developing an application for managing new coronavirus patients in-house and in a short period of time, and by centralizing patient information, this project has greatly contributed to the smooth response to infectious diseases in the city by improving the efficiency of hospitalization coordination and enabling flexible and prompt responses at home treatment follow-up centers.
Policy Division and Digital Strategy Department, Planning and Coordination Bureau
Pioneering efforts to promote EBPM, including the establishment of a system to process and visualize administrative data extracted from each core system, share it within the city, and enable employees to utilize it when formulating policies, have contributed greatly to building momentum for the utilization of data in the city. This has contributed greatly to fostering momentum for the use of data in the city.
Family Support Division, Child and Family Bureau
The city has
continued to provide benefits to support the lives of households raising children who have been severely affected by the new Corona
In FY2022, the City of Kobe provided emergency support benefits to households raising children with newborn babies as its own project.
Sewerage Department and East Water Environment Center, Construction Bureau; Agricultural Policy Planning Division and Agriculture and Fisheries Division, Economy and Tourism Bureau
The ”
Kobe Recycled Phosphorus Project,” the first project of its kind in Japan, is designed to promote the recycling of phosphorus resources by processing phosphorus recovered from sewage digestion sludge into fertilizer, selling it at home centers, and distributing it to elementary schools and farmers for local production for local consumption, thereby contributing to the SDGs. The project contributed greatly to the promotion of the brand power of Kobe as a city that contributes to the SDGs.
Airport Coordination Division, Port and Harbor Bureau
careful discussions with neighboring municipalities, we reached an agreement on the internationalization of Kobe Airport, which had been a long-cherished wish of
the city.