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About Us

beKOUE Booking is an online event reservation platform focused on the Kobe and Akashi regions. Our mission is to provide easy access to a wide range of exciting events held in this beautiful area and promote community integration. Through beKOUE Booking, you can explore local culture, art, music, sports, and cuisine, all while having the opportunity to meet new friends and share special moments.


  1. Diversity of Kobe and Akashi Events: beKOUE Booking covers a wide range of events taking place in Kobe and Akashi, including concerts, festivals, art exhibitions, local fairs, sports competitions, and culinary experiences. Whatever your interests, you’re sure to find events that suit your preferences.
  2. Local Information and Community Engagement: We provide information, reviews, and advice from local experts and event attendees, serving as your local guide. We collaborate with local communities to provide opportunities for building new connections.
  3. Easy Reservations: Using beKOUE Booking, you can easily and quickly make reservations for events. Purchasing tickets or reserving seats can be completed with just a few clicks.

beKOUE Booking is dedicated to showcasing the charm of Kobe and Akashi, making access to local events convenient, and offering enjoyable experiences. Be sure to explore the vibrant local events through our website.

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