NHK’s TV drama series “Omusubi,” which began airing on September 30, 2024, tells the story of the main character Yui Yoneda (played by Kanna Hashimoto), who experienced the earthquake, and her family ties before January 17, 2025, which marks the 30th anniversary of the occurrence of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
The story moved to Kobe in earnest in week 8 “Sayonara Itoshima Tadaima Kobe” which started on November 18, and Kiss PRESS has been exploring the “Kobe locations” that appeared in the “Omusubi” story. This time, we went to “Tsuga River” in Nada Ward, which appeared in the 10th week of “Omusubi”.
In “Tsuga River,” the scene of the “Summer Holiday Children’s Disaster Drill” held by the Kobe Sakura-dori Shopping Street where the Yoneda family lives was filmed. Yui and Natsumi (Shima Tabata), wearing flashy pink happi coats, served omusubi (rice balls) and pork miso soup and read a picture-story show to the children as the cookout leaders, which was cute and heartwarming.
The filming took place near Nada Kumin Hall. It was also filmed on the slope leading to the riverside, where Takao (Ogata Naoto), Maki’s father, who is a close friend of Ayumi (Naka Riisa), Yui’s sister, appears in the scene where he visits a disaster drill.
He was so cute that I couldn’t help but ask him, “Aren’t you cold~?” I called out to her.
Walking along the river, I spotted ducks! The clear waters of the Tsuga River may be the perfect habitat for ducks. I couldn’t help but be charmed by the sight of the ducks, who seemed to be accustomed to people and continued to spend their time leisurely even when I approached them.
It is very cold in winter, so you need to wear heavy clothes, but a stroll along the riverbank is very comfortable, and it is no wonder that the river has become a place of relaxation and a walking/jogging route for ward residents.
In the past, five people, including three children, lost their lives when the Tsuga River overflowed due to torrential rains. To prevent a similar tragedy from happening again, markers and signs were installed around the river to warn people of the danger when the water level rises, as well as revolving lights and electric billboards to warn of heavy rain and flooding. Please do not visit during inclement weather.
Finally, let’s talk about access. The nearest stations are Hanshin Electric Railway and JR. It takes about 11 minutes on foot from Hanshin Electric Railway Oishi Station and about 12 minutes on foot from JR Maya Station to the area around the filming location.
Gourmet information around the location
Ramen noodle shop “Chuka soba hasta hakkakeba sapure”
★About 11 minutes walk from the location.
Burger store “one’s BURGER ”
★About 20 minutes walk from the location
Junshocha “Tsukijyo ”
★About 20 min. walk from the location
More Information
- Location
- Tsuga River
(Nada-ku, Kobe)
Google Map - Access
- To the location where the filming took place (around Nada Kumin Hall)
About 11 minutes walk from Hanshin Electric Railway Oishi Station
About 12 minutes walk from JR Maya Station
- Serialization] Tour of locations where the morning drama “Omusubi” was filmed in Kobe
- NHK morning drama “Omusubi” official website
- Kobe Film Office Official Instagram
- Kobe City Website