Press Release (August 4, 2023)
Kobe New Transit Co.
Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Kobe New Transit”), a subsidiary of Kobe New Transit, has announced that on July 1, 2023, a train service on its Rokko Island Line was suspended and delayed due to a vehicle malfunction, and that in the course of a subsequent review of the company’s response to this incident, inappropriate working conditions were uncovered among its employees.
We believe that this inappropriate behavior undermines the credibility of our company, and we will promptly investigate the details of the working conditions and take strict measures to deal with the situation.
Details of the investigation are as follows
1 Facts found
At 16:10 on Saturday, July 1, 2023, a transportation disruption (station-to-station stop) occurred on the Rokko Island Line due to a train malfunction. This was found to be the case throughout the entire workplace.
2 Future Actions to be Taken
After the conduct was discovered, we immediately issued strict warnings and instructions to the employees at the workplace in question and corrected their working conditions to be appropriate, and we also ensured all employees to comply with the service discipline and safety policy.
In the future, we will promptly conduct an investigation of the employees concerned, including managers and supervisors, to ascertain the actual situation in detail, and will take strict measures to deal with the violation of the service discipline.