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Power Automate for desktop” is a workflow automation (RPA) tool developed by Microsoft. It can easily automate various tasks on PCs with intuitive operations. 2021/3/5, it will be provided free of charge to Windows 10 users, and any Windows 10 user can easily automate his/her work.
Google Japan Search Results

So, for the basics, go to the search engines!
The author has been dealing with multiple programming languages for many years, but felt threatened for the first time with the advent of Power Automate: it is already too late to come forward as a mere programmer. If you understand the basics of conditional statements and variables, you can call yourself a programmer with the power of Power Automate.
1 Poedit with DeepL
There is no one who is familiar with WordPress who does not know Poedit. Poedit ‘s emergence is still helping us today.

With Poedit, you can use 10 free online suggestions at a time, and if you need to translate 50 or so articles, you only need to start Poedit to complete the translation.
Previously, Poedit ‘ s online suggestions were only available for Microsoft Translate. However, since 2021, the trend has been gradually changing to DeepL. The author also realized automatic translation of news articles at about the same time with the help of DeepL Api. I myself am increasingly dependent on DeepL.
When the free quota for Poedit’ s online proposal runs out, the original text is manually copied to the DeepL desktop application. Manually pasting the translation into the bilingual version is a hellishly repetitive process that goes on and on.
Here are the best of the best.
- Power Automate Automate your personal desktop
- Poedit WordPress translation tool
- DeepL Desktop App Accurate, and free translation software
2 More than just macros to control mouse and keyboard
There are limits to relying on Poedit ‘s free framework of online suggestions. Then Poedit → DeepL → Poedit ∞ endless Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V! Seemingly regular operation. The author tried to automate it with ” HiMacroEx,” a mouse-click macro.
HiMacroEx” remembers the click position on the screen and lets you click with the mouse. DeepL The desktop application has automatic layout adjustment for the length of the translation. Variable to the position you want to click. Furthermore, it is extremely difficult to reuse the macros that were recorded after much effort, and it is necessary to perfectly reproduce the layout of the previous software. After a lot of hard work, I sealed off the macroing of mouse clicks.
Power Automate has a different dimension .
You can specify specific elements from each software UI. Once specified, it does not miss not only the change of position but also the switching of display/non-display.

You can freely operate the keyboard (send keys ) within the specified UI element.

Labels of UI elements and clipboard text can be retrieved and saved as variables.

Of course, there are plenty of Power Automate functions, but we were able to achieve automatic translation mainly with just the above three.
3 Demonstration

Processing flow
@startuml autoactivate on actor User as user participant "Power Automate" as pa participant "Poedit" as po participant "DeepL" as de user->pa : loop count set "N times" loop N times pa -> po : get footer status bar string (remaining translation) return alt remaining translation is same as last time pa -> pa ! : end loop else pa -> pa : go to next loop end pa -> po : get original text return pa -> de : paste original text loop until clipboard is not blank de -> de ! : press copy button note right: wait for internet communication end return get translation from clipboard pa -> pa: clear clipboard return alt translation does not match original pa -> po : paste translation into bilingual field note over po: capitalized names etc. are the same in the translation, so there is no need to paste po->po: press Ctrl + Enter to move to the next translation return return end end pa -> po : press save button return return complete note right : shut down etc return @enduml
Currently, there is no way to export or otherwise share a personalized Power Automate flow. We cannot provide all the details, but we will explain and share some of the details.
UI elements retrieved from Poedit
- Save button
- Source text field
- Bilingual text field
- Status bar

UI element retrieved from DeepL
- Source text column
- Clear button
- Copy button

4 Notes
- When the source text is plural, Poedit divides the source text field into two fields and specifies which field to retrieve the text from. The author mainly specifies the singular form.
- Power Automate recognizes the Windows name of the software, so if Poedit is not saved, the word “Changed” will be added to the Window name. Therefore, if you do not set Poedit to “Unsaved” before executing the flow, it will not be recognized.
- Initially, the Clear button on DeepL is hidden, and Power Automate takes time to recognize it. Let the clear button appear first.
- Fix the source language to “English” to reduce the Internet communication time of DeepL!
- Translation of around 1000 entries will take 5 hours. In addition, you have to restart DeepL after every 1000 entries.
5 Conclusion
This is just my personal hobby impression, but what do you think about relying on Power Automate for mechanical work before developing software? Poedit and DeepL are powerful applications that are leading the IT industry in the new era. I highly recommend that you give priority to the Pro version.
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Thank you for reading. We look forward to providing you with more useful information in the next issue.